Two girls making a road trip around the United Kingdom

Flying home

Kategori: 5 things, sweden

As you know we have been in the UK for three weeks and now it’s finally time to fly back home to Sweden.

I must say I really misted all the ignorance swedes at the train and hearing ironical comments were ever I go, all thought the UK was amazing and adventurous , but Sweden is our home.


And over all we done in the UK, I think my favourite spot must be London! I know it’s typical that everyone just picks London because everything happens there and all you hear about the UK is ‘’London’’ and that is just why I picked it?

Nesrin of course chose London as well (obviously because of all the shopping).


And I highly recommend you to the UK, because it’s has all kinds of things to look at.

(Like we did)  From shopping, adventurous things, and tasting new things etc.


But you should know five things about the UK before traveling there is;


·   Be prepared with the weather! Because you never know if it’s raining or if it’s sunny outside.

·   British people tend to take politeness extremely seriously. They say "thank you" at every stage of a financial     transaction, but are less likely to offer a "God bless you" should a stranger sneeze.

·   British (we swedes as well) people take waiting in line (called "queuing") incredibly seriously. They highly value patience, and will turn on "queue jumpers" who try to cut in line with some ferocity. Complaining while waiting in line is considered wimpy. Enduring the wait with good humor is considered a sign of strong moral character.

·    In Britain, you can never say please, thank you, or sorry too often; to thank your host, a phone call or thank-you card does nicely.

·    And at last you should have fun, take a lot of pictures, and try new things!


And hopefully if you’re going to the UK you’re going to have a great time as us!

And this is unfortunately our last post, have a great evening everyone!


Your loved ones,


Viktoria and Nesrin

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